So what is so great about this manual and why do you want one.......First off it has pictures and diagrams of the important stuff which is something that dive manuals don't have today. It is non brand specific and the ideas apply across the board.
It gives you great points of reference for most things in the world of sport diving and does not require the reader to purchase additional classes or text books to read up on other facets of diving.
The manual was written in the mid 70's when you could still buy a double hose off the shelf and BC's were moving from Co2 vests to working pieces of dive gear.
For the double hose diver this is a great manual as it covers actual diving with one and how it should be done. From hose retrieval and clearing to buddy breathing it has you covered.
So often divers getting into double hose gear get caught up in the buying and collecting frenzy and forget that the mechanics of diving with one takes some acclimation.
If you are getting into the two hoser realm or even if you are a seasoned diver this manual is a great reference point for practice and review. Grab a copy and read it on a plane or while waiting for an appointment. Take time to review or re-familiarize yourself with the tables and dive planning before computers. You can even plan out a dive manually and then compare it to your computer afterwards. The information contained in it are foundations of good diving skills no matter what your interest is.
I have gone to various sources and purchased the manuals which contain all the original double hose information. Later editions of the manual did not have all this information in them. Most of what I have are student or library copies so there may be some highlights on pages or a few marks but all of them are complete. They ship at book rate so shipping is cheap. I'm not making a fortune on them and my hope with having them available was to provide a reliable and easy to understand source for divers who are going or considering going double hose.
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